Measures and Tax Relief Provisions in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

Measures and Tax Relief Provisions in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic 23 April 2023 In response to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the economy and businesses, the Executive Yuan has enacted the Special Act for COVID-19 Prevention, Relief, and Revitalization (Relief Act) to stimulate domestic economic activities and assist businesses in overcoming difficulties. The measures include epidemic compensation, relief subsidies, financial relief, and cost reduction. The Relief Act is effective until June 30, 2022. The tax provisions for epidemic relief and exemptions are as follows: I. Exemption of various subsidies affected by the pandemic from income tax According to Article 9-1 of the Relief Act and the Ministry of Finance’s Order No. 10904629980 issued on November 25, 2020, individuals, medical institutions, profit-seeking enterprises, educational, cultural, public welfare, charitable organizations or groups affected by the COVID-19 pandemic are exempted from income tax on various relief subsidies received from the government. The related necessary costs incurred by medical institutions, profit-seeking enterprises, or organizations and groups can be verified and recognized without being separately attributed or apportioned to the exempted income. When the government agencies provide tax-exempt subsidies, no separate declaration is required. Therefore, profit-seeking enterprises that receive the aforementioned tax-exempt income should adjust and reduce it in their annual profit-seeking enterprise income tax returns, and the related cost expenses can also be verified and recognized. II. Double deduction of employee quarantine leave salary expenses According to §4 of the Relief Act, salaries paid by government agencies, institutions, schools, corporations, or groups to employees for quarantine leave applied according to regulations or for leave taken due to instructions from the Central Epidemic Command Center are eligible for a double deduction. The deduction is based on the actual salary amount for the number of leave days, verified after deducting government subsidies. When filing the tax return, in addition to providing proof of the salary amount, isolation, quarantine, or other supporting documents must be attached. Furthermore, please note the following: 1. Salary during the quarantine period should be calculated based on actual payments, including wages, salaries, regular allowances received for work, without deducting income tax, insurance premiums, or labor union fees. The number of leave days should exclude regular holidays and rest days, and the calculation should be based on the actual amount paid by the employer. For example, if Mr. A, an employee of Company A, has a monthly salary of 60,000 NT dollars, the daily salary would be 2,000 NT dollars (60,000 NT dollars ÷ 30 days). If Mr. A was placed under home quarantine from April 1 to April 14, with 6 days falling on regular holidays and rest days (April 2-5, April 11, April 12), and he took 8 days of quarantine leave, if Company A only paid him half of his salary for the 8 days, which is 8,000 NT dollars, then the deduction would be twice the actual payment, amounting to 60,000 NT dollars, subtracted from the taxable income for the year. 2. The reason for leave must be beyond the employer’s control. For example, if the Central Epidemic Command Center has announced that people returning to a certain area should be quarantined, but the employer still assigns the employee to go, the deduction cannot be applied. 3. Tax benefits cannot be duplicated. For example, the same salary cannot be simultaneously eligible for both double deduction and deduction as research and development personnel salary. 4. Measures and tax relief provisions in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. III. Verification and declaration of relief expense reduction The Relief Act also provides several expense reduction measures, such as interest and handling fee exemptions for loans or reductions in water and electricity fees. Profit-seeking enterprises should pay based on the reduced amount. When filing tax returns, the reduced amount should be deducted as an expense reduction. For example, if Company A originally had to pay 30,000 NT dollars for water and electricity fees but received a 10,000 NT dollar reduction under the Relief Act, when filing the corporate income tax return, the actual payment of 20,000 NTD should be recognized as the current period’s water and electricity expenses.

境外公司台灣子公司、分公司的差別及相關課稅規定 外國法人來台投資有四種方式:1. 設立辦事處:為外國公司在我國境內設立之聯絡處,不具法人資格,更不能營業。2. 設立分公司:為境外公司台灣分公司,是母公司的分支機構,不具法人資格,但可在台灣營業。3. 投資台灣現有公司。4. 設立子公司:功能和台灣一般公司相同,具備法人資格。其中前二者需經濟部商業司核准後設立,後二者則需投審會核准才可設立。 以下主要針對子公司及分公司性質上及稅務上的差異分別說明之: 分公司:1. 無法人資格,但有營業資格。2. 營運資金無須會計師簽證,但需提供銀行水單及匯款通知書。3. 訴訟及非訴訟代理人:1位;經理人:1位,二者可為同一人。4. 決議方式:國外母公司決議。5. 決議文件:母公司董事會議紀錄,代理人及經理人指派書 (POA)。6. 股東責任:訴訟及非訴訟代理人代表母公司在台灣所有之法律行為。7. 董事及監察人之條件:無須董事及監察人。8. 盈餘分配:稅後所得非屬盈餘。9. 未分配盈餘課徵:稅後所得非屬盈餘,無課徵議題。10. 匯出盈餘課徵:盈餘匯回非屬分配,無課徵問題。11. 登記手續:較為複雜。12. 營所稅稅率:20%。13. 營業稅率:5%。 子公司:包含有限公司或股份有限公司1. 具法人資格,與一般台灣公司無異。2. 資本額須會計師簽證。3. 代理人:公司負責人4. 決議方式:股東會決議。5. 決議文件:股東會會議紀錄。6. 股東責任:有限責任。7. 董事及監察人之條件:同台灣公司之規定設置董事及監察人。8. 盈餘分配:可選擇分配或不分配,分配給國外母公司需就源扣繳21%。9. 未分配盈餘課徵:5%10. 登記手續:同台灣公司。11. 營所稅稅率:20%。12. 營業稅率:5%。 #子公司分公司差別#子公司分公司稅#境外公司台灣子公司

IFR網拍族如何設籍登記及報稅? March 30, 2022 近年來行動裝置普及,網路交易盛行,個人透過行動裝置App、直播平台等通路銷售貨物或勞務之網拍交易,已為國稅局重點查核項目之一。以下就網拍族該如何辦理稅籍登記及報稅做說明。 一、 網路交易三大類別 以營利為目的,採進銷貨方式經營網路拍賣等網路交易:依每月銷售額不同而有三級(8萬、20萬)課稅方式。每月銷售額之認定,以最近6個月之銷售額平均計算。 非經常性於網路銷售貨物:例如非經常性於網路銷售自己製作之手工藝品,屬一時貿易所得,以純益率6%計算營利所得,併入個人綜合所得稅申報。 個人出售非營利之二手商品:個人出售家庭日常使用之衣物、家具,其所得則免稅。惟若網路賣家所銷售的二手商品,是收購而來,利用賺取差價作為利潤者,就符合以營利為目的,也一樣需要課稅。 二、 稅籍登記 網拍族銷售貨物或勞務,每月銷售額未超過8萬(勞務4萬),暫時免辦理稅籍登記。惟若銷售額超過前開標準,應於次月底前辦理稅籍登記。若於次月底前經查獲後始依限補辦稅籍登記,國稅局應就已達起徵點當月1日至稅籍登記前銷售額依法補徵營業稅者,免於罰款。 舉例:甲君自109年1月起利用網路銷售服飾,109年1月銷售額為6萬,未達起徵點(銷售貨物為8萬),109年2月1日至2月16日之銷售額為16萬,已達營業稅起徵點,應即向國稅局申請稅籍登記,甲君若於109年3月31日前向國稅局辦理稅籍登記,或是在109年3月31日前經國稅局查獲後補辦稅籍登記,則就109年2月至稅籍登記前銷售額僅補徵營業稅,免予處罰;若甲君逾109年3月31日仍未辦理稅籍登記,於109年4月1日以後經國稅局查獲始辦理稅籍登記,國稅局應就查得甲君於109年2月1日至辦理稅籍登記前銷售額依法補稅處罰。(來源:國稅局) 三、 網拍交易課稅規定 每月銷售額在8萬(勞務4萬)以下:暫免辦理稅籍登記及免徵營業稅。惟全年網拍所得,若未設帳且未保留相關憑證,則比照一時貿易之盈餘以純益率6%計算,併入個人綜合所得稅課稅。 每月銷售額超過8萬元(勞務4萬),但未達20萬元:應辦理稅籍登記,按銷售額依稅率1%,由國稅局按季(每年1、4、7、10月的月底前發單)查定開徵。另,亦須就國稅局核定之全年銷售額以純益率6%計算營利所得,併入個人綜合所得稅課稅。 每月銷售額超過20萬元:應辦理營業登記並依法開立統一發票,營業稅率為5%,每二個月為一期由營業人自動報繳營業稅。所得稅之申報:視其經營型態為獨資、合夥或公司而有不同規定。公司組織,依規定辦理營所稅申報。獨資合夥之營利所得,併入個人綜合所得稅課稅。

貨物稅減徵退稅,屬購買成本或費用減少,非屬所得性質 Apri 25, 2020 財政部為鼓勵消費者購買節能民生電器、加速中古汽機車及老舊大型車汰舊換新,陸續發布多項退還減徵貨物稅規定,個人、營利事業或機關團體依該等規定取得退還減徵稅額,實質上為購買貨物成本或費用之減少,非屬所得性質。購買節能電器退稅及舊換新退稅之法令依據、帳務處理及課稅規定如下。 一、法令依據 依據財政部109年7月9日台財稅字第10904597360號令之規定購買符合貨物稅條例之下列貨物: 購買節能電器:貨物稅條例第11條之1。 報廢或出口中古汽機車換購新車:第12條之5。 報廢老舊大型車換購新大型車:第12條之6。 二、貨物稅退稅之帳務處理 (一)帳列為固定資產 當年度退稅:當年度退稅,則自資產成本減除,按減除後的帳面金額提列折舊。 次年度退稅:如果購買次年度才申請退稅,則於申請時將退稅款列為固定資產未折減餘額的減項,依所得稅法第52條規定以未使用年數作為耐用年數計算折舊。 (二)帳列費用科目 當年度退稅:退稅款作為當年度費用的減項。 次年度退稅:若該等貨物以費用列帳,該退稅款列為申請年度的其他收入。 三、貨物稅退稅之課稅規定 營利事業或機關團體:實質上為購買貨物成本或費用之減少,非屬所得性質。 個人買受人:無所得課稅問題。 給付單位:退還上開貨物稅稅額無須列單申報主管稽徵機關及填發免扣繳憑單。 四、案例 甲公司於109年9月1日報廢舊車並購置符合退還減徵貨物稅規定之新小客車乙輛,取得成本為180萬元,耐用年數5年,預估殘值30萬元,如於109年9月1日申請退還減徵之貨物稅稅額5萬元,甲公司於辦理109年度營利事業所得稅結算申報時,新車應依帳面價值175萬元(成本180萬元-減徵貨物稅稅額5萬元)扣除預估殘值30萬元後之金額,按耐用年數5年計提折舊。如甲公司於110年3月1日始申請退還減徵之貨物稅稅額,則自該日起應依新車未折減餘額160萬元(成本180萬元-109年9月1日至110年2月28日已提列之折舊15萬元-減徵貨物稅稅額5萬元)並扣除預估殘值30萬元後之金額,按剩餘耐用年數4.5年計提折舊。(資料來源: 財政部臺北國稅局) 附件:財政部109.07.09台財稅字第10904597360號令 摘要:核釋個人或營利事業依貨物稅條例規定取得退還減徵貨物稅之所得稅規定。 說明: 個人、營利事業或教育、文化、公益、慈善機關或團體(下稱機關團體)購買符合貨物稅條例第11條之1、第12條之5或第12條之6規定之貨物,依上開規定取得退還減徵之貨物稅稅額,屬購買該貨物成本或費用之減少,非屬所得性質。 營利事業或機關團體買受人申請退還前點規定減徵之貨物稅稅額,應列為該固定資產成本或當年度費用之減項。其於購買次年度始申請退還減徵之貨物稅稅額者,該退稅款應於申請時列為該資產未折減餘額之減項,依所得稅法第52條規定計算折舊;該貨物以費用列帳者,列為申請年度之其他收入。 給付單位依貨物稅條例第11條之1、第12條之5或第12條之6規定退還減徵之貨物稅稅額,無須依所得稅法第89條第3項規定列單申報主管稽徵機關及填發免扣繳憑單。 購買符合貨物稅條例第12條之5或第12條之6規定車輛新車,並以靠行方式登記為車行所有者,該靠行車依規定申請退還減徵之貨物稅稅額,應由車行依第2點規定認列。 修正本部105年7月21日台財稅字第10500573890號函,刪除說明三規定。
The Zero-Carbon Era of “Carbon Rights Exchange”

The Zero-Carbon Era of “Carbon Rights Exchange” Author : Cai Zheming The Republic of China Carbon Rights Exchange was officially inaugurated on August 7, President Tsai Ing-wen said that the policy promotion of net-zero carbon emissions is expected to drive more than 4 trillion yuan of private investment within seven years, providing more than 500,000 related jobs and nearly 6 trillion yuan of output value, which also means that a zero-carbon era has officially arrived. The National Development Research Association announced the 2050 net-zero carbon emission path and strategy general description, in addition to voluntary reduction quota trading, but also through incremental offset carbon rights trading, including New York in the United States, London in the United Kingdom, Tokyo in Japan have successively established carbon rights trading platforms, Taiwan at this time can not only deepen international cooperation with other countries in the carbon exchange, but also urge its own industrial transformation to achieve low-carbon goals. Lee Anda Ping and Ng Ming-yee, accountant of United Accounting Firm, pointed out that the carbon rights exchange is jointly established by the Taiwan Stock Exchange and the China National Development Foundation, and is currently responsible for the projects including carbon consulting and education and training, domestic carbon rights trading, and foreign carbon rights trading. One. The past and present of carbon rights Carbon rights refer to the legal emission of greenhouse gas emission rights, which are controlled by the total amount of government units, and enterprises can reduce carbon emissions and transfer carbon rights from each other (the carbon reduction balance of enterprise A is sold to enterprise B to facilitate carbon emissions), which is a mandatory market that requires enterprises to set carbon emission caps, and they trade carbon balance and deficiency by themselves. Two. Uses, pricing, and charging of carbon rights After the establishment of the Taiwan Carbon Rights Exchange, the foreign carbon rights traded in the initial stage will help enterprises to operate ESG sustainability, and after the carbon fee is “levied”, greenhouse gases will be regulated, and carbon rights will be used for enterprises to “offset” statutory matters to comply with government policies and meet the global carbon reduction trend of enterprises. Ginseng. Carbon rights, carbon taxes and carbon fees Carbon rights refer to a government-led “mandatory market” in which companies purchase carbon rights in order to comply with the emission not exceeding their assigned amount; The other is that enterprises take the initiative to purchase carbon rights to achieve their own environmental protection goals. A carbon tax is a carbon tax levied by the government on a lump sum basis, based on the carbon content of various fossil fuels (once carbon-containing fuels are used). Carbon fee refers to the government’s management fund for greenhouse gases, which is levied on enterprises with annual greenhouse gas emissions of more than 25,000 tons. Accountant Wu Mingyi believes that the establishment of the carbon rights exchange means the advent of the zero-carbon era, and the government can deepen international cooperation with other countries on carbon issues in addition to the industrial transformation required to achieve its own low-carbon goals, and once the climate change responds to the statutory bill, it must carry out tax planning for domestic and foreign carbon rights trading. In view of this, the basic understanding of carbon rights must enlighten the people from the government’s call, so as to lay the foundation for sustainable ESG operation of enterprises, balance the profit and loss after the levy in pricing, and facilitate the deduction of carbon rights norms by enterprises in terms of fees. Taiwan’s carbon rights development tends to be dominated by the government, and carbon taxes are collected through unified revenue and expenditure, and carbon fees are used as a special management fund to require companies to lead by example, but the most critical carbon rights trading still needs to be recognized by the EPD and international justice agencies to truly lead Taiwan towards a zero-carbon era.

股利所得課稅規定及節稅規劃 March 30, 2023 自107年起,境內個人獲配之盈餘,適用股利所得課稅新制,納稅義務人可選擇(1)合併計稅:納入綜合所得總額課稅(稅率5%~40%),按8.5%計算可抵減稅額,上限8萬元;或(2)分離計稅:以28%單一稅率分開計稅、合併報稅。惟獨資、合夥資本主之營利所得仍然須計入綜合所得總額課稅,不得計算抵減稅額。 一、採用那一種方案較有利呢? 綜所稅率在20%以下:由於稅率已低於單一稅率28%,應該選擇合併計稅,再扣除5%或8萬(股利約941,176元)可抵減稅額。 綜合所得淨額(不含股利所得)適用30%以上的稅率,加上股利所得仍適用30%稅率,則建議選擇合併計稅,可再扣除5%或8萬可抵減稅額。 綜所稅率在40%:因稅率可能超過分開計稅之28%稅率,故選擇分開計稅比較有利。 二、高股利所得如何節稅? 不參與除權息綜所稅率在 30% 以上,股利最少繳28%的所得稅,投資人可考慮在除權息交易日前賣出持股,將原本的股利所得轉換為免稅證券交易所得(上市櫃股票)。惟需考量證券交易所得是否大於稅後可支配的股利所得,加上出售股票時應負擔的交易稅費。另應注意,對於家族企業或公開發行公司大股東,若出售股權可能影響董事職位或公司經營權,反而得不償失。 投資公司長期投資領股利,以投資公司持股較有利:與個人持有股權相較,透過投資公司持有股權的優點在於,可以控制股利分配到個人身上的時點,有稅負遞延效果。當股利分配時,高所得個人採分開計稅,稅率仍達28%。而透過投資公司收到的股利不計入所得額課稅;惟投資公司因收到股利產生的盈餘,即使不分配給股東,雖然需課徵未分配盈餘稅5%,仍較28%低。短期進出賺價差,以個人名義持股較有利:目前個人買賣上市櫃股票停徵證券交易所得稅。相反地,投資公司買賣上市櫃股票雖然也停徵證券交易所得稅,但適用最低稅負制(12%),且還有未分配盈餘稅5%,因此較個人直接買賣不利。惟未上市櫃股票交易所得,個人及投資公司均需課最低稅負。 投資公司長期投資領股利,以投資公司持股較有利:與個人持有股權相較,透過投資公司持有股權的優點在於,可以控制股利分配到個人身上的時點,有稅負遞延效果。當股利分配時,高所得個人採分開計稅,稅率仍達28%。而透過投資公司收到的股利不計入所得額課稅;惟投資公司因收到股利產生的盈餘,即使不分配給股東,雖然需課徵未分配盈餘稅5%,仍較28%低。短期進出賺價差,以個人名義持股較有利:目前個人買賣上市櫃股票停徵證券交易所得稅。相反地,投資公司買賣上市櫃股票雖然也停徵證券交易所得稅,但適用最低稅負制(12%),且還有未分配盈餘稅5%,因此較個人直接買賣不利。惟未上市櫃股票交易所得,個人及投資公司均需課最低稅負。 三、其他注意事項 採單一稅率28%分開計稅,影響捐贈限額:自107年起股利所得選擇採用分開計稅者,股利所得不計入綜合所得總額,捐贈限額(20%)將減少,造成高所得者節稅效益降低。 採28%分開計稅之股利所得應計入最低稅負制之基本所得額:應留意最低稅負制基本稅額之計算,避免漏報基本所得額。 單次領取股利金額2萬元以上,健保補充保費2.11%:如果單次領取股利達2萬,被扣除的補充保費在隔年申報綜所稅時可以全部列舉扣除,不受每人每年24,000元的限制。若單次領取股利小於2萬不用扣除補充保費。