Accounting Services
Given the rapid changes in tax law and business strategies like cross-national investment and diversification, we provide an epoch-making accounting and tax service. We aim to satisfy the previous customer’s needs of visa declaration and tax problems as well as customize operational and expansion plans through proactively discussing with our customers in advance. Above all, we are devoted to proposing the most comprehensible solution according to demand.
Our professionals are experienced in tax and international trade legislation by following up the tax issues. Via social media and email, we endeavor to provide access to the latest information and tax-related law to our customers.
Typical services provided:
• Accounting services
Based on our experience in assisting firms of multiple industries, we provide assistance for companies in various industries with bookkeeping, including preparation for financial statements, reconciliations and consolidated financial statements, sorting accounting documents, etc.
• VAT services
We assist our clients in filing VAT every two months. Please submit the application by the 15th of every single month.
• Purchasing and Issuing sales invoices
We assist our clients in purchasing sales invoices every two months and issuing invoices on behalf of those in need.
• Filing of provisional Income tax returns and other types of income tax returns
We assist our clients in filing provisional income tax returns in September and other types of income tax returns in January.
• Corporate income tax preparation and filing
We assist our clients in corporate income tax preparation and filing in May.
• Claiming Tax Treaty Benefits
We assist non-residents of the R.O. C. in claiming withholding tax under a treaty tax.
• Preparation of English and Chinese financial statements
We provide preparation of financial statements in English and Chinese version.
• As an agent to communicate with the IRS
As our clients have some tax-related problems, we represent our clients on any matters to communicate with the Internal Revenue Service.
The responsible person

Sally Liang
Senior Manager
With her work experience of many years in the National Taxation Bureau and in the financial services sector, Sally Liang has been working in Reanda M Y Wu & Co., CPAs for over twenty years. As a professional in accounting and taxation, she is also adept at dealing with corporate secretarial matters.. With an accurate forecast of market demand, she always provides constructive advice. Besides, she is one of the lecturers in the Department of Accounting Information at Takming University of Science and Technology, developing pupils’ skills.

Mendy Li
Possessing knowledge of laws and regulations, Mendy Li is deemed as a professional in tax planning. Apart from corporate taxation, she has accumulated practical experience in personal
financial management, family firm succession, inheritance issues, etc. So far she has been the director of Reanda Family Office, devoted herself to every client with passion and vigor.

Alex Wang
Alex Wang used to be the CFO of many large tech companies. Now, she is in charge of the engagement with Southeast Asia in Reanda Taiwan. She is adept at investment and taxing plans in China and Southeast Asia, listing plans for overseas companies, etc.
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