Litigation Support
Solicitors and certified public accountants are natural allies. Our clients often need a mixture of legal and financial advice and we have developed considerable experience in providing support to the legal profession in litigation matters. We value this interrelationship and have created a variety of services specifically designed for the legal profession.
Typical services provided:
• Administrative Remedy for Taxation
We assist our clients in filing appeals and administrative lawsuits to the tax collection authority. Collaborating with law experts, we propose the most optimal solutions to defend our clients’ rights in the process of administrative remedy
• Inspection of the investigation into any malpractice within the company
We assist our clients in applying to the court for the appointment of an inspector. In addition, entitled to inspection of the accounting and other records, we operate as inspectors to protect the rights and interests of our clients and other shareholders in collaboration with legal experts.
• Provide Assistance in bankruptcy reorganization and other bankruptcy proceedings
We assist our clients in bankruptcy proceedings such as bankruptcy liquidation, reorganization, and composition. We endeavor to restructure our clients’ businesses and help them out of their predicament.
• Lift the restriction on the responsible person of the company from leaving the country
When the restriction on leaving the country imposes on our clients as the responsible person of the company, we can assist in communicating with the tax collection authority. By making a partial payment on taxes or other personal guarantees, our clients can be free from the restriction.
• Provide advice from financial experts in lawsuits
We provide comprehensive advice in collaboration with legal and financial experts for our clients who face any questions concerning lawsuits.
The responsible person

Ken Wu
Managing Partner
Ken Wu is the founder, managing partner, and president of Reanda M Y Wu & Co., CPAs as well as the head of Reanda Assets Valuation Co., Ltd., and Pacific Enterprise Management Consulting Ltd. Besides, he has been a lecturer in several universities and colleges, including National Taipei University of Business, Chihlee University of Technology, Takming University of Science and Technology, University of Kang Ning, etc. Learned and experienced, he bridges the gap between academics and industry.

Clint Chiang
Clint Chiang, one of Reanda’s
senior partners, has been in accounting for over twenty years. As a professional in accounting, external auditing, IPO plan, internal control and audit, transfer pricing evaluation, etc., he endeavors to assist clients in finding the most effective way to overcome every business struggle.
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